HT - HP -High temperature heat pumps
The SUSHEAT low cost of operation will use a Stirling Heat Pump with helium as the refrigerant with the goal of delivering significant efficiency savings for industrial processes. Helium (R-704) is non-toxic and inert and has a zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and zero Global Warming Potential (GWP).

TES -Thermal energy storage
Energy storage is one of the pillars and major challenges of the upcoming global energy transition and decarbonization that will require moving away from fossil fuels towards cleaner energy solutions. Key to this transition is the hurdle of storing energy from renewable energy sources and waste heat recovery. Electric storage systems for industrial applications have advanced in recent times with a higher market penetration due to the linking of batteries to solar, or photovoltaic technologies.
CIT -Control and integration twin
To optimize the energy management landscape, the SUSHEAT control and integration twin (CIT) system will use a digital twin for experimental simulations and an AI-guided control system. The concept of a digital twin incorporates certain technological domains that will propel society into the realm of Industry 5.0.

LFC -Linear fresnel collector system
SUSHEAT includes several innovative technologies to enable extended integration of renewables to industry at the temperature range of 150-250° C. The integration relies on the energy harvesting from waste heat, ambient as a heat reservoir, and concentrated solar heat through a linear fresnel collector (LFC).